Erosion is happening in lots of different places. Erosion is where the sea, or a different natural water source laps up on to the land, and when it pulls back it may bring sand, dirt, grass, or whatever is on the land that the water is lapping up against. In South Carolina, one of their beaches experienced extreme erosion. There was a 1 ½ – 2 foot drop before you could reach the ocean and the wetter sand. If you look below you can see a picture of the erosion and how deep it is compared to my dad. If erosion gets bad, lots of things like houses, towns, or anything, really, could wipe away and be swept into the ocean because of insecure ground. Insecure ground can happen when there are no trees or plants to keep it stable. Erosion is also bad for the animals. If their dirt or homes are swept away, it is hard for them to find a new home.
Why is Erosion Happening?
Erosion is happening because of global warming. Since the air and waters are warming it melts the glaciers and ice. That turns to water, so then if there is more water the waves can rise higher, and go over the land easier, and then, erode, and also, make some cities and places underwater. Some cities, like Miami Beach, Florida, could be underwater by 2050. With a slight rise in ocean levels, some beaches could be submerged under the sea. If global warming stops, then many of your favorite places could be saved.
How Do We Prevent Erosion?
We can prevent erosion by planting trees, grass, or anything that has roots. With the roots in the ground, it keeps the land stable and so it is harder to erode. Trees can also prevent mudslides. Also, by not polluting as much, global warming won’t be as bad. Then the ice and glaciers may not melt as fast. This would stop the rising waters. Erosion is a problem that can be fixed by doing simple things like planting more trees and plants, and by trying not to pollute as much. If people start and keep doing these things, then erosion may not be as frequent.