Miles Away

An effort to help the environment

The Price We Pay For Fossil Fuels

When leaders come together to discuss important climate issues, they talk about what we should do, what we need to do. Some of these problems get solved, but some of them don’t. Why? Why can’t we put more solar panels in a field, and create more wind farms? The biggest reason is because of money. Solar panels and wind farms are expensive because we are investing in fossil fuels instead of nature. If we decided to put our money towards solar and wind energy over fossil fuels, renewable energy wouldn’t be as expensive because the investment would make renewable energy technologies even more efficient. Investing in poisonous chemicals have serious long term effects as well. We saw this recently when chemicals leaked into the air because of a train crash in Ohio.

            However, mines are still expanding, and we still decide to invest in fossil fuels. In Lützerath, Germany, the government is trying to put a coal mine in the village because of the rich coal that lies underneath. 1 Mines like this are constantly expanding around the world, and we talk about transitioning into clean energy and being more mindful towards being cleaner, but at the end of the day if this just gets us more fossil fuel increase then something has to change. Also, just putting poisonous chemicals inside objects can have a colossal effect on wildlife. First, it takes an enormous toll on the earth to make these chemicals because they are made of fossil fuels. These chemicals are leaked into the ecosystem, and as you can guess this is not good for the nature in any way. 2

But why are fossil fuels so harmful? By using fossil fuels, it chokes the environment. Oceans become polluted, air becomes dirty, ice caps melt causing sea levels to rise, and so much more. The other aspect is that since we rely so heavily on fossil fuels for energy, when fossil fuels run out it will be difficult to rely completely on renewable energy if we have not fully transitioned by then. There could be a large energy crisis because of this. We need to quit fossil fuels to save our planet from more destruction and harm. So, it is better to transition to clean energy now. 

            How do we stop funding fossil fuels, or stop using fossil fuels? A simple answer is just to use less of them. We can bike or walk places instead of driving. We can use less plastic, and other objects that are made using fossil fuels. The other, more complicated way is through activism. We can protest against expansions and speak out against using chemicals and fossil fuels to build a cleaner world. We have the power to change things, and we need change from non-renewable resources. Whatever we do, we have to do it fast.

Image: Unsplash+, Unsplash, 30 August 2022

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