Miles Away

An effort to help the environment

The Only Way is Together

Sometimes I ask myself why I am writing this blog. Why did I start writing it? Is it even worth it? I write this blog because helping the environment is a strong passion I have and I want to keep our home clean and healthy, like many others in the world. But, we can only save the earth if we all work together. That is why so many climate activists don’t just go out and save the world themselves. If one person could save the world on their own, it would be done by now. If we want to save the earth, the only way to do it is by doing it together.

One person can throw a plastic straw away and think that it’s okay because they are just one person. But if everybody says that to themselves, then a huge pile of trash will be washed onto the beaches. If one person goes out and does a beach cleanup, they’re making a difference. If everybody goes out and does a beach cleanup, a world of difference would be achieved. No matter where anyone is, anybody can make a huge impact on the environment, whether it is for worse or for better. If one person can make this huge impact, imagine the impact a group of people can make.

For example, I hear about groups of people making differences more often than I hear about one person making a difference. All the famous climate organizations like Oceana, Greenpeace, and Ocean Conservancy are constantly working on projects and making a difference. I think maybe that is because they have a whole group of people working together so they can make a bigger difference. It is harder to make a difference, though, when you are by yourself.

I write this blog to inspire people to help the climate, inform people about climate change and try to prevent it from happening. Anyone who is writing a blog about the environment or putting information out about climate change is trying to gain more people to join the fight of saving the environment. Again, the only way to save the environment is by doing it together. I’m not denying that one person can’t make a huge difference, but saving the environment takes many more.

Image: Forouzani, Ashkan. Person wearing silver link bracelet watch photo. 2020. Unsplash,

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