Where Did the Blue Skies Go?

Recently, there were massive, historic wildfires in Canada. The smoke and ash stretched far past the Canadian borders and swept through the East Coast and Midwest. In cities where the air quality was already having issues, this situation worsened the problem. In some areas the pollution was so severe that the sky looked orange and red. The event reminded me of an old environmental cartoon I saw a while ago. There was a person in a mask that filtered oxygen through and kept pollution out, and all around them were fires, and the sky was an orangey-red. I remember thinking that this was an obvious exaggeration, but still was scared that this could be our future. We are closing in on the extreme picture that is being painted for us, and ignoring it will only make these pictures a reality.

Why Did These Wildfires Start?            

Canada has been especially dry recently because of the record heat and droughts. The fire season is usually from May to October, but since the land is so dry, it is extending into a larger portion of the year. Why is Canadian land drying out? The planet is warming so quickly, and this causes hot air to sap the moisture from ecosystems. Then, the changes in weather due to global warming is the cause of the lack of rain. 1 It is easy for fire to take hold of this kind of land. Climate change is at the root of these wildfires, and putting this crisis off any longer will destroy the planet through disasters like this or unlivable conditions.

What is Being Done to Stop Them?           

 Through different organizations’ help, wildfires are being prevented, and not just Canadian fires. By planning where industrial machines are placed and monitoring different areas, it is easy to keep track of fire-prone areas. 2 In my opinion, by sectioning off areas to be conserved, many fires can be prevented this way. If the land is lush and thriving, it is not as susceptible to catching on fire, therefore stopping more wildfires from occurring.

What Can We Do to Stop Wildfires?

            The real cause of wildfires is climate change. By simply using an eco-friendly straw or a reusable bag, a huge amount of pollution can be prevented. Protesting against fossil fuel minings and plastic also helps reduce the air pollution level. Additionally, we can walk or bike places instead of burning fossil fuels and creating more carbon dioxide. By altering our actions slightly, we can save our planet from fires, rising sea levels and temperatures, deforestation, lack of resources, and so many other catastrophic effects of climate change. 

Image: Kaufmann, Marcus. “White vehicle near tall tree during daytime.” Unsplash, 10 October 2017, https://unsplash.com/photos/-iretlQZEU4

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-did-the-wildfires-in-canada-start-cause-nova-scotia-quebec/
  2. https://wildfirerisk.org/reduce-risk/prevent-ignitions/#:~:text=Tools%20such%20as%20land%20use,to%20reduce%20human%2Dcaused%20wildfires.